Thyroid Dysfunction Treatment


Thyroid Dysfunction Treatment


Thyroid Dysfunction Treatment

You’ve reviewed the symptoms and think you have thyroid dysfunction. Appropriate hypothyroid treatment is vital to your recovery if you suspect you suffer from underactive thyroid. For women, it’s especially important to seek proper hypothyroidism treatment.

The thyroid and you

The small butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the front of the neck makes thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland takes the iodine that is found in common foods like U.S. table salt and converts it to useable thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland makes two of these important hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Together, these hormones regulate our body’s thermostat, metabolism and heart rate. Thyroid hormones affect every organ and cell function in the body. When the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone, it causes hypothyroidism. As the term suggests, it slows some pretty important things down like metabolism, digestion and more.

Types of hypothyroidism

The two most common types of hypothyroidism in the United States are Hashimoto’s Disease and thyroid nodules. If you’ve already assessed your symptoms here, take a further look at some of your treatment options.

Your Hypothyroidism Treatment Options

There are many treatment options for hypothyroidism. Most of our patients are now seeking more natural hypothyroidism treatments that work with their bodies and are more closely related to what the body naturally produces. It’s important to carefully weigh all of the advantages and disadvantages of these hypothyroid treatments, discuss them with your loved ones and evaluate your options with Dr. Russo. You may decide on one or more than one to address your condition.

Pharmaceutical hypothyroid treatments

Synthroid®, which is synthetic T4 thyroid hormone, and Cytomel®, which is synthetic T3 thyroid hormone, are common trade names for synthetic pharmaceuticals. The advantages of these pharmaceutical products are that they deliver fairly consistent results when dosed correctly. They also alleviate troublesome symptoms, according to the literature as well. The major disadvantages patients find are the possible side effects of these medications. Commonly reported side effects include nervousness, anxiety and weight gain. In addition, it can be very time consuming to find the perfect dosage for your unique condition, and in that process, there is a huge fluctuation of burdensome symptoms, especially in the mood area. Lastly, these products must be prescribed by a licensed medical provider, and so affordability will depend on your prescription coverage. They can be outside the price range for many patients without drug coverage as a long-term option.

Natural hypothyroid treatments

As an alternative to the synthetic products listed above, more and more patients are seeking natural options for hypothyroidism treatment. Natural options to consider include desiccated porcine thyroid gland (natural T4/T3). Dessicated porcine thyroid gland is derived from pigs and contains the hormones of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), T2, T1 and calcitonin.

Here at Inner Beauty Medical, we take confidence in prescribing natural hypothyroid treatment options. In addition, we offer bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Both options most closely mimic the thyroid hormone and other critical hormones your body naturally produces.

What else can I do?

For women suffering from hypothyroidism, Dr. Russo also recommends a regimen of iodine, selenium and zinc supplements to support optimal thyroid function. Although iodine is mandated in U.S. table salt, iodine deficiency remains one of the most preventable causes of hypothyroidism in our country. In addition, it is one of the main causes of infertility and mental and neurological retardation in fetal development.

“When your thyroid hormone is optimized, you will see improvements in energy, mood, temperature regulation, skin, hair, nails, weight control, sleep and possibly more.”

~Dr. Russo